!----------------------------------------------------------------------! wtMidi ------ 1.2.0-dev *** Report bugs to f6fvy _at_ free.fr *** - Profiles added in the settings dialog. Use Shift-Click on the Save buttons to rename or delete a profile. A startup profile can be set in the command line with the -p option. Ex : "wtMidi.exe -p FY5KE" will start wtMidi, load the FY5KE profile, and use it. - Restart menu item added. - Serial port inputs capability added. When using a real RS-232 port, you can use the DTR and/or RTS outputs as supply (loop). Note that the mute capability acts on the master audio output (useful to mute the delayed audio monitor when using a footswitch). - Command-line arguments list help added. - -a (alternate ini file directory path) and -i (alternate ini file name) switches added to the command line. 1.1 (June 28, 2020) - The parameters in the settings dialog were not taken into account if only the OK button was used. Tnx F8CRH. - If the user dismissed the settings dialog with Esc at the very first start, the program didn't quit. - F1 key ignored. - Enter and Esc keys dismiss the banner when visible. 1.0 (Jan 13, 2017) - First public release.