/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !----------------------------------------------------------------------! wtRotators ---------- 1.7.0-dev *** Report bugs to f6fvy _at_ free.fr *** - AlphaSpid RAK serial flow rate set at 1200 bauds. 1.6.0 (Oct 20, 2017) - The Yaesu and K3NG controllers parsing functions are now strenghtened to comply with the CR/LF line terminators, and empty data generated by RemoteRig interfaces. Tnx DL8AAU. - Bugfix : There were 2 identical DCU-1 items in the Add controllers menu. 1.5.0 (Jan 20, 2017) - 60 m band added. - K3NG controllers added (similar to GS232a/b at 9600 bauds). - Bugfix : Under some circumstances, the COM ports combo box was displaying COM0 ports. 1.4.2 - Bugfix : COM ports over COM9 didn't work. Tnx N6TV. 1.4.1 - Bugfix 1.4.0 - Offset can now be specified in the -360 to +360 degres (tks N6TV). Note that some -1 offsets might appear in the Antennas defined for each Rotor after this release will replace the previous one. It is due to the new way the values are now saved in the INI file. It is safe to reinit each of them in order to get rid those wrong Offsets. - Added a Global Offset (for all antennas on the rotator). The "Controller Display" takes care of this Offset. - Task #250 — wtRotators control window does not retain position if you use Win-Test to Automatically Start/Stop. Tks N6TV. - Check that at least one antenna is attached to a controller. This fixes the task #246 (wtRotators ignores Win-Test commands if antenna name is left blank). Tks N6TV. - Fixed some side effects with the Global Offsets. Tks N6TV. - Broken menus fixed. Tnx N6TV. 20090727 (released v1.3) - Offset were ignored from orders received from WT - Unchecking "Enable Offset" in the Offset Configuration DialogBox had no effect. Tks N6TV. - M²/Orion controllers, orders received from WT were wrong - The EA4TX RCI SE controller window had no title. - Menu items typos. 20090711 (released v1.2) - Added M²/Orion RC-2800-PX Controller - Added M²/Orion RC-2800P-A Controller (tks IK0HBN) - Cosmetic changes in Controller Configuration window 20090611 - wtRotators.ini file now located in ...\Application Data\Win-Test\cfg 20081108 - Prosistel speed set to 9600 bds (tks EA4TX) - Added Hy-Gain DCU-1 Controller (tks OM7ZZ) - DCU-1 Controller: bugfix: manual control using the CW/CCW buttons on the "virtual controller" (tks OM7ZZ)